FlashFic Results week 7

All right! Here are the results from the flashfic contest! I’d like to shout out a big thanks to our judge,

Ginger Green!!!!

on picking a great prompt.


Here’s the results:

1. hardwurkindaddy – the imagery is used in a clever way, which gives this story a cool edge. The ending really packs a punch.

2. Tinsley Warren – I love the sweetness of this, and the protagonist is very true to life & the era. Endearing and lovely.
3. Ana Lisbeth Tejada – highly engaging, sexily descriptive language, clever and subtle ending that changes your perspective of the whole.

4. Warren C. Bennett – very original concept, funny and out there – leaves us wanting more.

5. Femme Malheureuse – poignant story, gracefully portrayed in subtle and beautiful language.

6. glin23 – a creative stream of consciousness, rather James Joyce-ish.

7. UnconsciousConsciousness – wonderful use of vocabulary, accomplished, witty and slick. Love the ending.
8. James Ollerenshaw – captivating and insightful, a rich, mature story that says so much about the protagonist in a few words.

The almost impossible to choose winner is Ana Lisbeth Tejada, for the intensity, the language, the wit, and the best use of the pic prompt.

Ana Lisbeth Tejada, send me a DM on Twitter and we’ll get you rolling to pick the next prompt and ju

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